Some Tennessee students face tuition hike close to 9 percent

Friday, June 13, 2014, Vol. 38, No. 24

NASHVILLE (AP) - Some Tennessee college students could see a nearly 9 percent hike in tuition this fall.

The Tennessee Board of Regents oversees six state universities, 13 community colleges and 27 colleges of applied technology.

It's proposing a 6.9 percent tuition increase for its universities, 5.8 percent for community colleges and 8.5 percent for its technical institutions.

Board members are scheduled to vote on the hikes this Thursday.

Most students in the University of Tennessee system will see a 6 percent hike in tuition.

The UT Board of Trustees is also scheduled to vote on the increase on Thursday.

The hikes are mostly a result of state revenue shortfalls that prevented the Legislature from appropriating new funds.