Panel gives reprieve to 2 appellate judges

Friday, January 17, 2014, Vol. 38, No. 3

NASHVILLE (AP) — A panel that helps decide whether appeals court judges can keep their jobs has voted to give 22 members of the state appeals courts and Supreme Court positive recommendations. That means they will stand for simple yes-no retention votes in the August election.

The Judicial Performance Evaluation Commission met on Friday despite a court ruling earlier this week that the panel is invalid because it does not have enough female members.

Two appeals court judges who initially received negative evaluations went before the panel on Friday to make a case for why they should stay on the bench. Ultimately, the panel voted 7-2 in favor of Judge Andy Bennett and 6-3 in favor of Camille R. McMullen.

A negative vote would force the incumbent judge to face a contested election.