Top-selling autos for May; Altima No. 5

Friday, May 31, 2013, Vol. 37, No. 22
The Associated Press

Automakers said Monday that U.S. new car and truck sales rose 8.2 percent to 1.44 million vehicles in May. Here are the top-selling cars and trucks for the month and the percent change in sales from May of 2012.

VehicleMay 2013 SalesPercent Change
Ford F-Series 71,604 +30.6
Chevrolet Silverado 43,283 +25.3
Toyota Camry 39,216 -0.9
Honda Accord 33,218 +11.7
Nissan Altima 31,940 +40.8
Ram Pickup 31,672 +21.6
Honda Civic 30,268 -9.6
Ford Fusion 29,553 +10.0
Ford Escape 29,123 +26.2
Toyota Corolla/Matrix 27,997 -12.1