Top Midstate commercial real estate transactions for November 2012

Friday, December 21, 2012, Vol. 36, No. 51

November 2012 commercial real estate transactions for Davidson, Williamson, Rutherford, Wilson and Sumner counties, as compiled by Chandler Reports.

Chandler Reports has been publishing Real Estate Market Data since 1968. That year, Chandler began collecting residential sales information for the Chandler Residential Report, considered the authoritative source for residential real estate sales information. Over the next three decades, the publications have been continually refined, enhanced and expanded, growing to include lot sales data, new residential construction and absorption information, and commercial sales. In 1987, Chandler Reports began one of the first on–line real estate market data services in the country, and is a nationally recognized leader in the industry. In 2004, Chandler Reports was purchased by The Daily News Publishing Co. In 2007, Chandler introduced RegionPlus, including property research for Nashville and Middle Tennessee. Visit online at

Davidson County

326 11th, 1017 Charlotte 37203 11/21 MFREVF-Eleven North LLC Eleven North LLC $58,750,000
5000 Mountain Springs 37013 11/8 MRP Mountain View LP Continental 193 Fund LLC $31,450,000
8118 B Sawyer Brown 37221 11/14 HCP SH ELP2 Properties LLC BRE/SW Waterford Bellevue LLC $16,768,750
6716 Nolensville 37027 11/30 SNH Medical Office Properties Trust Brewer, John A., Co. $9,200,000
7351, 7355 Cockrill Bend 37209 11/16 Bakerwest Group GCCFC 2005-GG5 Cockrill Industrial LLC $6,000,000
90 Van Buren 37208 11/8 Delek Logistics Operating LLC Lion Oil Co. $5,300,000
12630 Old Hickory 37013 11/27 Faast Leasing Tennessee LLC Hawkins, William H., Trustee $3,180,000
3628 Redmon 37209 11/26 Nashville Ballet Brock-Sloss LLC $1,370,000
323 Cartwright 37072 11/19 G6 Hospitality Property LLC Motel 6 Operating LP & G6 Hospitality LLC & Accor North America, Inc. $1,302,000
2928 Sidco 37204 11/16 Baptist Healing Hospital Trust Ikon Development LLC $1,245,000
2318 12th 37204 11/28 Jaw On 7th LLC Urban Property Partners & Kovalick, Joe & Dano, Roy C. $1,150,000
3918 Dickerson 37207 11/26 Alkifi, Hani & Waddah Winnett, Marvin L. & Marilyn $900,000
601, 605 Murfreesboro 37210 11/8 Alatas, Mehmet Tinnell Family LP & Tinnell Co., Inc. $835,000
2391 Murfreesboro 37217 11/29 Hasan, Kamal & Hanna Sameh Try Properties & Try Management LLC $800,000
550 Harding 37211 11/5 Harding Properties LLC Schauffert, Alex $758,000
5200 Charlotte 37209 11/6 Child, Curtis Shaw, Trustee & Sons Of Deston Trust Agreement McClellan, John W. & Jo Ella $750,000
4101 Hillsboro 37215 11/1 Loring ,P. Jeff & Cynthia Arab, Akbar K. & Umstead, Alan R. $735,500
3715 Nolensville 37211 11/20 Shaashoua, Rimon Stone Capital Acquisitions LLC $730,000
1058, 1082 Cinder 37138 11/13 Homes Unlimited, Inc. Hawkins, Alvin R., Trustee & Coarsey, John Denney, Trustee & Hermitage Springfield Farms $725,000
1705 Portland 37212 11/1 Ellis, Truitt C. Crossman, James A. $715,000
0 Omohundro 37210 11/21 Music City Pick-A-Part Partnership Fitzpatrick Family Members LLC $650,000
5312 Cane Ridge 37013 11/27 Nagi, Ahmad M. Liddle, Leonard David, Jr. $650,000
40 Music 37203 11/5 40 MSE TGP 40 Music Square East LLC $650,000
4101 Hillsboro 37215 11/1 Arab, Akbar K. & Umstead, Alan R. Farazmand, Reza & Fatane $605,000
85 White Bridge 37205 11/8 Massmark Co., Inc. Defined Benefit Pension Plan Trustee Franklin, C. Gatlin, III, Trust $555,000
2300 Felicia 37209 11/26 Kimbro Equities I J&S Inv. & Brown, Jimmy $550,000
925 Edgehill 37203 11/15 Hearing Bridges Edgehill Center, Inc. $465,000
1160 Due 37115 11/16 Madison Due West LLC Protective Life Insurance Co. $460,000
5001 Nolensville 37211 11/1 Salman, Jegir Sloan, Vearl J., Trustee & Sloan Decendents Trust $450,000
3924 Dickerson 37207 11/26 Barnfield, Billy R., Jr. & Genesis Acquisition Prop. LLC Flatt, Terry F. & Kim L. $440,000
423 Houston 37203 11/30 MMC Partnership Choice Investments LLC $420,000
2605 Fessey Park 37204 11/8 Corporate Properties Erban Commercial Realty LP $410,000
404 Dickerson 37072 11/15 Auto Hoss LLC McMurtry, Tracy & Carl & Wingo, Robert $400,000
1033 18th 37212 11/28 1101 18th Avenue South Homeowners Association JEM-Nashville LLC $382,400
57 Willow 37210 11/16 57 Ventures LLC Klieger, Drew $335,000
7583, 7594 Old Hickory 37189 11/20 Mount Zion Baptist Church Autumn Partners LLC $280,000
8677 Burkitt Place 37135 11/30 Coon, Candice & Brad Zwickel, Reid & Kari $260,400
2917 Berry Hill 37204 11/29 Premier Realty Trust LLC LRW Holdings LLC $260,000
925 Richards 37013 11/21 Obeto, Enoch E. & Otihbor Anthonia Wilson Bank & Trust $215,000
212 Stecoah 37013 11/28 Pitts, Marlin D. Bonde, Bradley J. & Carolyn C. $199,000
2133 Utopia 37211 11/1 Leake, Lawrence Jeffrey, Sr. Deal, June C. $198,000
1120 Glendale 37204 11/2 Paxton, Matthew C. & Kocher, Ryan Duncanwood Reserve LLC $190,000
0 Whitsett 37210 11/16 B&E Irrigation & Landscaping LLC Fleming, James C., Jr. $175,000
534 Paragon Mills 37211 11/21 Kraag, Louis R. Matick, Loretta DMD PC $150,000
4749, 4755 Grays Point 37080 11/19 Miller, Catherine Laura Housley, Donna & Lonnie $149,350
8860 Cressent Glen 37013 11/26 Mehaffey, Matthew Quality Properties Asset Management Co. $134,000
3706 Nolensville 37211 11/26 Shams Properties LLC Wells Fargo Bank NA $130,000
4803 Gallatin 37216 11/13 Gallatin Pike Education Trust & Southern Land Acquisitions, Inc., Trustee Clinard, William T., Jr & Jessie B. $125,000
4076 Blue Berry Hill 37218 11/19 Solsbury, Andrew J. & Christine T. Davis, Janet M. $116,000
458 Monticello 37207 11/27 Gauthier, Debbie Woodbine Community Organization, Inc. $114,900
525 Rivergate 37072 11/6 Lewis, Ronald A. Emery, William Steven $90,000
107 Point 37076 11/5 Loy, Barbara P. Nash, David E., Trustee $83,000
4989 Lebanon 37138 11/21 Farhangi, Abdol Renasant Bank $81,000
1006 Whites Creek 37207 11/15 Patton, Marquice L. Knob Hill Properties LLC $62,500
700 Church 37203 11/26 Candace, Miasnikov, Rev. Trust Miasnikov, Candace $50,000
707 Buchanan 37208 11/28 Watt, Alan & Sandra Acklen Property Group LLC & Drumwright, J. Carlton, Agent $43,500
707 Buchanan 37208 11/28 Acklen Property Group Edward, W. Meek Ira $35,000
2326 Claylick 37189 11/21 Moran, John D. Community Bank & Trust $19,000

Williamson County

910 Murfreesboro 37064 11/14 HCP SH ELP1 Prop. BRE SW Legacy Crossing LLC $30,925,000
2396 Fairview 37062 11/29 Wal Mart Real Estate Business Trust Lampley, Betty Dean & Earl D., Jr. $2,005,500
9775 Concord 37027 11/2 Real Estate Solutions Group LLC Jones, Janice & Jerry W. $1,450,000
4930 Main 37174 11/20 Tristar Bank Community South Bank $1,250,000
4842 Byrd 37046 11/26 Ward, Elizabeth A. & Nicholas E. Bonnot, Charles E. & Diane L. $1,200,000
1608 Westgate 37027 11/30 Mariea, Jude F. & Tamara J. Pistole Properties Of Cool Springs LLC $900,000
Waller & Concord Rds. Waller 37027 11/13 Real Estate Solutions Group LLC Surrey Estates, Inc. & Sutton, Evelyn Banner $850,000
6421 Prickly Pear 37046 11/19 Cummings, Julie G. & Paul G., Jr. Carruthers, Denise D. & Gary $834,103
115 Carr 37064 11/14 Intellistone, Inc. CB&L Constructors, Inc. $780,000
0 Pinewood 37064 11/26 McConnell, Michael Thomas Tyner Family Trust $625,000
906, 908 Evans 37064 11/5 McGowan Family Limited Partnership Tirey Family Trust $415,000
1704 Old Hillsboro Old Hillsboro 37069 11/8 Reid, Jennifer E. & John Kirkland Hays, Keith A. & Kimberly H. $324,000
2 Medical Campus At Campbell 37174 11/21 Corbett, Steven W. PNB Holding Co 1, Inc. $195,506
543 Trace Creek 37221 11/5 Cook, Brenda L. & Dan W., IV Holzapfel Construction LLC $190,000
106 Century 37064 11/21 Lewis Glass Company Gregory, Janice P. $140,000
Watkins Creek Rd @ N. Chapel 37064 11/13 NSH Nashville LLC Propst Nashville LLC $130,000
0 Patterson 37046 11/28 Haynes, Thomas Jackson Dietrich, Kristin & Haynes, Thomas Jetton $100,000
3104 Old Murfreesboro 37014 11/13 Johnson, Jayne P. & Timothy D. Lyons, Charles O., Jr. & Lesley A. $92,000
0 Juniper 37062 11/28 Fagan, Cassandra K. Shiver, Kelly C. $90,000
7898 Pinewood 37062 11/19 Hatcher, Amy Sullivan & Steven Cary Sullivan, Alton D. & Virginia R. $80,000
2565 Lewisburg 37174 11/6 Standbridge, Brooke Rene & Bryce Kendall Hudspeth, Lori L. $72,000
5450 Old 96 37064 11/13 Neal, Tim Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation $36,000
234 5th 37064 11/14 State of Tennessee Rye, Patty S. & William C. $2,214

Rutherford County

545 Stonecrest 37167 11/26 Dancoh Smyrna LLC Phoenix Rising LLC & Tyler, John L., Jr. & Walker, Christopher R. & Joseph T. & Walker Family Trust $7,600,000
2963 Church 37127 11/16 Goodwill Ind. of Mid. TN, Inc. Innsbrooke Commons LLC $1,700,885
381 Waldron 37086 11/26 New Covenant Partners III LLC Brakefield, James P., Tr. $1,250,000
Barfield Road 37128 11/1 TMG Vols LLC PNB Holding Co. 2, Inc. $900,000
1307, 1316, 1327 Stewart Creek;100, 217 McLaran; 0 Bogle; 6831 Burnt Knob Stewart Creek 37129 11/2 A&R Land Investments LLC Capital Bank NA & Green County Bank & Rutherford Bank & Trust $810,000
419 Front 37129 11/30 Baughman, David W. & Lori K. Elrod, Klaudia K. & Larry B. & Lakeway Development $385,000
1215 Ben Hill 37135 11/21 Paterson, Matthew J. & Valerie J. Michaels Homes LLC $350,000
804-820-836 Thompson 37129 11/29 Lucas, Jeffrey Kirk, Deborah Swanson $301,000
178 Lowry 37167 11/2 Hasuri, Arman Cameron, James W., III Tr. $270,000
7434 Del Thomas 37167 11/1 Neil, Kelly E. Parker, Virgil S. $207,000
133 Cannon 37129 11/1 Equinox LLC Witman, Edgar W., Jr. $195,000
2223 Southpark 37128 11/8 Ricks, Kenneth Mathis, Donald R. $166,500
497 Dick Buchanan 37086 11/26 Shams Properties LLC Brownlow, Clinton R. & Marilyn L. $150,000
500 Windellwood 37167 11/6 Johnson, Daphne & Jason Pinto, Norman A. & Sonja L. $145,000
0 Mark Allen 37130 11/1 Pedigo, Jerrold D., Tr. Lafrenier, Anthony A., II $115,000
11008 Bunker Hill 37153 11/6 Garcia, Victor Vilchiz Williams, Richard $110,000
5120 Lamar 37122 11/27 Baker, Glen Edward Parton, Sallie D. $100,000
7155 Bradyville 37127 11/27 Martin, Deborah Espy, Glen C. & Mullins, Velma Ruth & Pruitt, Sharon Dean & Reed, Rose Lee Estate & Sanchez, Brenda Lee Reed $94,490
450 State 37130 11/19 Tangaro, Lokelani K. Rutherford County Area Habitat For Humanity, Inc. $90,000
0 S Bilbro Ave 220 & 220 1/2 37130 11/8 Frierson, Kevrek M., Sr. & Wanda D. Jones, Cheryl M. $85,000
8304 Lowe 37127 11/27 Tipton, Linda Sue Wells Fargo Bank NA $74,500
Barlow 37085 11/13 Smith, Hassell B., III & Jennifer D. Florida, Betty B. & Phillip O. $70,500
4284 Welchance 37127 11/5 Fann, Janalyn R. & William A., Jr. Cole, Susan Joy & Gabriel, Gary Thomas & Michael Franklin & Stephen Alan & Susan Joy $46,000
160 Crestview 37086 11/9 Varela, Maria Murphy, Mickale S. $31,500
1736 Squire Hall 37160 11/14 Brown, Bobby L. & Melinda M. Peoples Bank Of Bedford County $30,000
Liberty Pke 37020 11/9 Coonan, Gary Patton, Patsy Sue, Executrix $22,500
2925 Coleman Hill 37153 11/6 Yates, Gary D. & Shelia M. Centers, Joy $22,482
273 Hurricane 37086 11/8 DRS Properties Green, Robert & Wanda $18,000
8000 Old Corinth Church 37122 11/27 Creviston, Jack & Judy Creviston, Jennifer I. $1,000

Sumner County

674 Main 37066 11/14 HCP SH ELP2 Properties LLC BRE/SW Bluegrass Terrace LLC $4,137,500
150 Oak Hill 37075 11/21 Loven, Keith H. & Leslie H. Novem Select Holdings LLC $745,000
221 Main 37066 11/19 Saadguru Krupa, Inc. PGlobe Corp $715,000
201, 220 Cemetery 37066 11/7 Group Effort Foundations, Inc. TRAC, Inc. $500,000
906 Harsh 37031 11/5 Richardson, Theresa Ferebee, Charles B. & Denece L. $330,000
156 Shadowhaven 37075 11/1 Darden, Bevva D. & Clifton R. Summit Investments LLC $305,940
1013, 1015 Club View 37066 11/8 Akin, Dennis & Kaye Goodall Builders, Inc. $281,708
3006 Highway 31 37188 11/19 Burris, Joe Sr. Elmer, Clifton Garrett Trust & Garrett, Larry C., Tr. $225,000
101 B V Young 37186 11/19 Carney, Chadwick A. & Karen M. Greer, Bettye F. & Huber E. $187,500
1530 Butler Mill Hollow 37022 11/20 Baird, Charles A. & Frances Cecilia Hodges, Angela & Gailon R., Jr. $181,000
545 Robertson 37031 11/13 Menz, Christina L. & Mark W. Davis, Brenda G. & Robin R. $180,000
0 133 A Township Drive & B 37075 11/9 Ianosic, Mihaela Carmen Sandu, Liliana & Marius $120,000
0 Water 37066 11/29 Kittrell, Connie W. & Rutledge Bruce Dycus, Hugh, Estate & Dycus, Nancy Janice Duke $90,000
116, 117, 118, 119, 120, 121, 122, 123, 124, 125, 126, 127 Bennington 37075 11/19 Pinnacle Development Co., Inc. SS Land Investment LLC $40,000
354 Bowling Branch 37048 11/30 Summers, Lanny R. Harrington, Donna Carol Meadows & Donald Ray $35,000
2050 Highway 109 37066 11/1 Pearson, John Hamilton, Tracy & Hardy, Jennifer & Hunter, Rosemary & McKeegan, Stacia Lynn Scruggs & Scruggs, David, Estate & Scruggs, Gene M. & Joyce & Patrick & Scruggs, Jerry R., Estate $18,400

Wilson County

4950 Sparta 37184 11/30 Essex Convenience Corporation Abdelshahed, Wassem Rouf & Gebrael, Karim & Malak, Gamil Abdel $220,000
3105 McCowan 37087 11/20 Harrison Family Partnership LP Fakes, Ray T. $200,000
385 Gwin 37122 11/20 Pirtle, James William Pirtle, Barry Neal $200,000
0 Division 37090 11/15 Renasant Bank Houston, David W., IV, Suc Trustee & Riggan, Howard $180,000
5615 Poplar Hill 37184 11/29 Bell, Terri & Wilson, Steven M. Poston, Virginia Ann Beard & William Boyd $175,000
Armstrong Dr. 37087 11/16 Armstrong, Kerry D. & Nina S. Preston, Jeanne S. & Lanham T. & Victoria L. Watson $165,000
3001 Bar 37122 11/1 Singleton, Donna D. Norfolk Homes Of Nashville, Inc. $163,188
0 Liberty Chapel 37122 11/2 Blackburn, Cynthia Renee & John Ashley Bell, Terri & Wilson, Steven M. $131,500
465 Commerce 37090 11/30 Alsup, Ray & Sharp, D. W. Barrett, Sheila R. & Nichols, Douglas R. & John W. $113,717
3538 Carthage Hwy 37087 11/13 Spurlock, Heather Marie & Matthew Lee Turnbull, Jo Ann $105,000
0 Poplar Hill 37090 11/16 Flowers, Jeffrey W. Stadleman, Lorraine D. $75,000
107 Greenwood 37087 11/2 Trew, Mark Baird, Edward Bouton $55,000
322 Maple 37087 11/27 Newton, Andrew M. & Ridgeway, Melissa N. Newton, Glyn E. & Lynda L. $50,000
561 Upper Helton 37012 11/14 Harvey, Angelia & Kevin Mahler, Lynn & Randell $50,000
10905 Murfreesboro 37090 11/13 Baltz, Cheri Lynn & Ronald Wright, Jolene & Robert D. $45,000
180 Fuston Hollow 37016 11/20 Melton, Hannah O. & Matthew W. Morris, Nicholus Daniel $41,600