Lobbyist email sent from committee chair's account

Friday, April 13, 2012, Vol. 36, No. 15

NASHVILLE (AP) — A lobbyist has used a House chairman's email to urge lawmakers to vote against a bill to tax roll-your-own cigarettes.

The Knoxville News Sentinel reports (http://bit.ly/HOAXJD) that the email was sent from the email account of Republican Rep. Bob Ramsey of Maryville, the chairman of the House State and Local Government Committee.

Ramsey later sent a follow-up email to say that the message was sent without his knowledge and does not reflect his opinion on the measure.

The incident led Republican House Speaker Beth Harwell of Nashville to meet with Ramsey, his assistant and lobbyist Dan Haskell to stress that legislative equipment is reserved for the use of members and staff only.