YP Learning Series. This quarterly YP Learning Series will be focusing on negotiation with Dr. Cate Loes. Her research focuses on negotiation, domestic and international social entrepreneurship and pedagogical practices. Belmont University Janet Ayers Academic Center. YP Organization is free, future member, $20. Wednesday, 8:30-9:30 a.m. Information
Women in Business Lunch: Know Yourself to Lead Yourself
Join Maury Alliance and the Spring Hill Chamber of Commerce for an enriching event designed to foster connections, inspire change, and strengthen our community of professional women. The guest speaker is Chandra Jarrett, an executive leadership coach and consultant. The Lodge at Southern Springs, 2000 Southern Springs Pkwy, Spring Hill. Registration required by Aug. 28, midnight. 11:30 a.m.-1 p.m. Information
Women’s Leadership Conference: A Day in the Life of a Woman
Topics and sperakers: Rising with the Sun: Morning mindset and routines to unleash productivity with Honoree Corder, co-creator of The Miracle Morning; Balancing Act: Prioritizing mental health on the way to work-life balance with ?Dr. Tonja Williams, Head of Schools at New Hope Academy; Building Your Personal Brand: Your brand is tied to how others perceive you - from your first impression to how you develop relationships and conduct business with fashion designer Doris McMillan and Brooke Odell, owner of Sugar Drop, an award-winning cake artist with an impressive client list; Send The Elevator Back Down with the keynote speaker Yesi Sevilla, director of Strategic Engagement and Ecosystem Development. 8-11 a.m. Franklin Marriott Cool Springs, 700 Cool Springs Blvd. Fee: Williamson Inc. Members, $100, Booth and two tickets, $500 Limited Availability. Guests: $150 Information