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VOL. 40 | NO. 46 | Friday, November 11, 2016
2016 Next Awards. The Next Awards recognize the entrepreneurs whose creativity and risk-taking attitude are making a significant impact on our local economy, as well as the entrepreneurial-minded companies that are driving Middle Tennessee’s success. These people and organizations are making Nashville one of the best cities in the U.S. to start a business. Omni Nashville Hotel, 250 5th Avenue South. Thursday, 5-9:30 p.m. Information: nashvillechamber.com Register
Williamson County 2016 Annual Celebration
President and CEO Matt Largen will provide a “State of the Chamber” report on the year’s accomplishments and preview what’s to come in 2017, followed by a keynote address by journalist and USA Today’s Washington Bureau Chief Susan Page. The Barn at Sycamore Farms, 4866 Murfreesboro Road, Arrington. 5:30-8 p.m. Chamber Member: $85, Guest: $100, Table Sponsor: $1,500 (table of 8 with company signage), event sponsor: $2,500. Information: williamsonchamber.com
NOV. 18-20
Nashville International Auto Show
Motor Trend Auto Shows comes to Music City Center, 201 5th Avenue, South, with the newest cars, trucks, SUV’s and crossovers on the market. You are invited to experience the latest in-car technology, and get behind the wheel and test-drive over 25 vehicles right at the show. Tickets: $10 adults, $5 seniors and active military. Children younger than 12 free. Friday and Saturday, 10 a.m.-9 p.m. Sunday, 10 a.m.-5 p.m. Information: https://autoshownashville.com
The Battle of Franklin Trust 5k Run, Kids Fun Run
The Battle of Franklin Trust will host the Battle of Franklin 5K and Kids’ Fun Run to raise funds for the preservation of The Carter House and Carnton Plantation. The cost for participants 12 years and older is $30 for pre-registration, $40 for day of race. Children 12 and younger can participate for $15. Registration cost includes a commemorative T-shirt, water and post-run treats. All proceeds benefit The Battle of Franklin Trust. Registration begins at 7:15 a.m. for 5K runners and walkers and 9 a.m. for fun run participants. The 5K route will begin and end at the McGavock Confederate Cemetery. 8 a.m. race begins. The quarter-mile Kids’ Fun Run begins at 9:30 a.m. and will take place alongside the McGavock Confederate Cemetery. Parking is available for participants and observers at the field at Carnton Plantation. Information: http://www.active.com/franklin-tn/running/distance-running-races/battle-of-franklin-5k-and-fun-run-2016
Christmas on the Square, Parade
A Candyland Christmas. 2 p.m. beginning at 10th Ave continuing down North Main Street and ending at Springfield Middle School. Vendors will line courtyard square with a variety of good and food items. Information: www.robertsonchamber.org
Give ’N Gobble 5k
Annual Thanksgiving 5K in downtown Dickson to benefit Dickson County Help Center. Clement Railroad Museum, 101 Frank Clement Place. 8:00 a.m. Turkey run, 8:30 a.m. 5k. Information: http://www.gg5k.org