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VOL. 36 | NO. 20 | Friday, May 18, 2012
State auditors review required college changes
NASHVILLE (AP) — The Complete College Act of 2010 changed the formula for how Tennessee's universities are funded, rewarding them for graduating students, not just enrolling them.
With the change the Tennessee Higher Education Commission is being asked to do more than just take a college's word about graduation rates. It should find a way to verify them.
The recommendation comes from state auditors, who have been tracking implementation of the Complete College Act.
The auditors also say public universities still haven't made it easy to transfer credits from two-year to four-year schools in every degree program.
Education Commission director Richard Rhoda told WPLN-FM (http://bit.ly/KjFJdc) universities have tried to comply with the law, but some majors like nuclear engineering just don't lend themselves to a pre-major at a community college.